Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? Part VIII

(III) Workers are interchangeable, therefore we should strive to be linchpins, irreplaceable within the work force. (continue)

A day’s work should not be a remuneration from work = pay. We are willing to sell ourselves so cheaply. Is that it? The transaction is over? The relationship is unfair. Godin is asking you to stop following instructions, and start being an artists? Someone who dreams up new ideas and makes them real, to stop being a cog, and act like a human being. You should become an artist at work. The marketer can also be an artist Godin contends.

It’s not that you can’t, it’s that you won’t be a linchpin. Godin believes that being the linchpin is the most financially responsible choice, and not a risk whatsoever. The new American dream is a lie. The thinking that “that’s not my jobs” is destructive. Employees are more willing to give refunds then deal with conflict: a) keep your head down, b) follow instructions, c) show up on time, d) work hard, e) suck it up.

What do employees really want? Top ten things:

  1. Responsibility, and challenges,
  2. Flexibility
  3. A stable environment
  4. Money
  5. Professional development
  6. Peer recognition
  7. Stimulating colleagues and bosses
  8. Job content that is exciting
  9. Organizational culture to achieve
  10. Location/community.

Notes from Seth Godin’s Lynchpin

Moscow McDonald’s 1990

A video of the now infamous McDonald’s queue in Moscow circa 1990. It was a common practice to queue for products in a command economy at that time, and McDonald’s was a highly anticipated new restaurant chain. There was a McDonald’s in every small town in the US, Canada and Western Europe before it reached Russia.

Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? Part VI

(II) Conformity = Dispensability (continued)

How to get things done by Bre Pettis:

  1. There are three states of being. Not knowing, action, and completion;
  2. Accept that everything is draft, ie not perfect;
  3. There is no editing stage;
  4. Fake it until you make it;
  5. Procrastination must be crushed;
  6. Get it done, so you can get something else done;
  7. Once you’re done, you can throw it away;
  8. Laugh at perfection
  9. Failure counts as done
  10. Doing something makes you right;
  11. Destruction is a variant of done;
  12. Done is the engine of more,
  13. If you have an idea that is published on the internet, that counts as done.

You Need To Push Hard ie. Sprint Towards Innovation.

STOP CHECKING your blog, inbox, online sites that you visit. Stop the bullshit cycle that is slowing down your productivity. You need to pull an all-nighter or two in order to make sure that you project kicks ass. You should write down the due date, post it on the wall. Godin writes down his ideas, prioritizes them, builds them, and ships them out the door. It’s a habit that produces revenue & results.

(This is a series of posts on Seth Godin’s Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?)

This publication is dedicated to finance, politics and history