Margaret Thatcher on the General Election of 1983

On the 1983 General Election: The party platform in Canada is different from Party Manifestos in Britain: policy is explicitly outlined in the manifesto. The Labour Party process of policy development is ineffective and bungled. Thatcher created policy groups that involved the whole party in development and also allowed for fresh ideas. The three most important pledges in the election where 1) to accelerate privatization, which was fundamental to their economic approach selling British Telecom, British Airways… 2) trade union reform building on the Trade Union Democracy Green Paper, Thatcher promised legislation to require ballots for the election of trade union governing bodies, 3) adjust local government decentralized to local constituencies. Elections take place on Thursdays. Planning the actual date is important for timing vacation of the public. Election planning brings into question matters of the head of government’s responsibilities abroad. Thatcher cancelled plans with Reagan. The Scottish Conservative Party was still on her agenda for a visit.

During the campaign, the Conservatives successfully convinced voters of their trustworthiness with the economy, defence and security policy. Thatcher enjoys verbal combat. Thatcher focused on marginal seats. Thatcher counts the days according to D-Day distance hence D-21 or 21 days till Election Day. Thatcher joked that the Labour Party would try to nationalize socks if they could. The sinking of the ARA Belgrano appeared as attack point for Labour. The Belgrano had to be sunk according to Thatcher: she made it explicit that it was a threat to the task force. Labour was divided from within over unilateral disarmament. Jim Callaghan was against that policy. Michael Foot had trouble controlling his Labour Party backbenchers. Reagan wanted Thatcher to win. Thatcher met with Reagan during the election period to flesh out further relation’s a) unity over NATO, b) Cruise Missile development…the subsequent proposal was attacked by Pierre Trudeau for not ‘talking softly to the soviets’. A punk rocker stated that it was better to have the Iron Lady than those cardboard men. Thatcher gained a majority of 144 seats. It was a success; the largest of any party since 1945. The Left could never again credibly claim popular support for their programme of massive nationalization, hugely increased public spending, greater trade union power and unilateral nuclear disarmament. Socialism was built into the institutions of Britain. It would be difficult to overcome. But Thatcher felt it had to be.

Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? Part VII

(III) Workers are interchangeable, therefore we should strive to be linchpins, irreplaceable within the work force.

Suppliers Dilemma for Workers

People have been burying their genius, or misallocating themselves in order to fit a round-peg into a square hole. By not being innovative, these labourers have limited bargaining power against the suppliers which Seth Godin refers to as the PERL (Percentage of Easily Replaced Laborers). These people are easily replaced, yes, but that is exactly what management wants if their short-term goal is to restrict costs, and drive wages down.

The linchpin is between management and labourers. It is now easier to find people in self-organized online systems. Godin believes that we can all create our own factories…Karl Marx and Adam Smith both agreed that there are management and labour; management owned the machines, and labourers followed the rules. Godin believes that the 3rd group is called the linchpin between management and labourers. They are creating new products more effectively, creating new ways to express themselves. 3D printing is an area where new growth may be developing in the near future. Realistically, the linchpin is not likely to be between management and labourers. Godin is basically talking about entrepreneurial people within an organisation.

Margaret Thatcher on Economic Recovery

On Economic Recovery
Economic growth was noticeable by mid-1982. There was marked success against inflation during this period. Thatcher does not believe that the level of unemployment was related to the extent of trade union powers. The unions had priced many of their members out of jobs by demanding excessive wages for insufficient output, so making British goods uncompetitive. Thatcher does not like the way trade union leaders lie to their members and manipulate information about her government. Thatcher was pushing to reduce their influence by legislating open ballots for industrial striking for example. It is much easier to prepare for an election in government because you have access to all information and statistical data that would help shape the appropriate policies.

This publication is dedicated to finance, politics and history