The French Revolution / Le Révolution française: Still Critical, More Relevant Than Ever


Easily the best film adaption of the historical events that led up to and followed the Red Terror. Beautifully produced, impeccable acting, visually stunning. These two films Part 1 and Part 2 are the ulitmate Coles Notes, Sparks Notes for the French Revolution.

supreme-being-is-natureThe best scene is when Robespierre delivers his speech regarding the Supreme Being…..the French Revolution was indeed, insane.

Cut Out of The Eiffel Tower (Tour Eiffel) for Crafty Minds

This Is A Cut Out Of The Eiffel Tower

Try making this really fun print-able cut out of the Eiffel Tower that kids and creative types will love no matter how young you are. Use a colour ink or jet printer at the highest quality. Print it on an A4 sized piece of paper, the thicker the better. Get some tape and scissors and you will have yourself an Eiffel Tower of your very own. It’s easy to make, use flaps to connect the pieces. To make the slits, use an exacto knife or box cutter knife.

Voila, essayez vous a construire ce vraiment amusant Tour Eiffel. Tout les enfants vont aimeront faire. Utiliser un imprimante en colour. Imprimez-le sur un morceau de papier normale. Obtenez une bande et des ciseaux et aurez une Tour Eiffel propre. It est facile a faire. Pour faire les trou, utilisez un couteax exacto.

Download Meeiffel-tower-pop-up-tour-eiffel Or print the following out>>>>

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After about 25 minutes of time, you’ll have built your very own Eiffel Tower. The final product should look like the following/ Voici le produit:


Bonne Chance! Good Luck!

Try a paper cut out of Big Ben.

Going To Mars – Elon Musk’s Grande Delusion?

I was talking to someone (in the know) about the Mars mission proposed by Elon Musk. And this babyboomer said it was too dangerous; the chances of the rocket not making it to Mars with the 50 – 100 passengers is very very high. Is he right? Musk certainly gets bonus points for this viral campaign; Did sales of Tesla go up after the Mars proposal went live? I suspect so. There is no down side to dreaming big, as Trump has proven, dreaming big gets you free PR…..even if your dream is nightmarish.

No big deal….
Captive audience…

These folks are doing something interesting in this space, pun not intended. Fun question, are open systems appropriate for space exploration? starburst-accelerator